ACRC earned a Rotary Citation for RY2022-23 under the leadership of Club President Terry Foor. We achieved our goals in several areas, including our service participation, new member sponsorship, leadership development, and more.
The Rotary Citation recognizes the hard work Rotary clubs like ACRC do throughout the year. Working to achieve citation goals helps clubs engage their members, stay relevant in their communities, and run more efficiently. A welcoming and engaging club not only fosters a positive experience for its members, but also reflects the values of Rotary. When clubs achieve citation goals, they contribute to the overall health and culture of Rotary for generations to come.
ACRC is proud to embody the values of Rotary and to be an example of a high-performing Rotary club. We invite you to join us for a meeting, service project, or social event to experience for yourself the role that Rotary plays in the community.