Cosmo Rotary Winter Storm Relief Response – Week of 2/20

As we all know, last week’s winter weather has severely impacted Austin and the surrounding areas, resulting in dozens of organizations that are in dire need. As a service centered organization, ACRC is planning on springing into action to support those who need help. Below are service opportunities of varying degrees of involvement (online donation, drop off, in-person service). 

If you’d like to get involved in the recovery process and have the means to do so, this weeks suggestions are as follows:

  • Diapers – Donation Drop Off 1: Texas Diaper Bank is supplying a high volume of diapers to organizations and families in need. There is an outdoor bin located in the back of the building that is open 24/7. Please seal any opened packages in a weather proof container. Address: 2210 Denton Drive, Ste. 103, Austin, TX 78758
  • Water – Donation Drop Off 2: Volunteers have been working around the clock distributing water, food and other items to individuals in need at the Millenium Youth Complex. Our club will support by encouraging water drop off. Address: 1156 Hargrave St, Austin, TX 78702
  • Monetary Donations Online – Central TX Food Bank: Every dollar donated can help create 4 meals. The pandemic, along with the winter weather has put hardworking families in a bind. Follow the link if you are able to make a monetary donation.
  • In Person Volunteer Opportunity: ATX Musicians (in partnership with other organizations) is seeking volunteers to help in the preparation and sorting of supplies in order to expedite distribution to those in need. This will take place Sunday, February 21st beginning at 1 p.m. at the Millenium Youth Entertainment Complex (where we are also donating water) – 1156 Hargrave St, Austin, TX 7870. Volunteers must arrive at 11 a.m.

We will continue to come up with options to safely get involved in the support of our community. Please get in touch with Jon Fankhauser if you have any ideas or suggestions to help those who need it most right now.

Thank you!