Austin Cosmopolitan Rotary Club is partnering with Sunshine Community Garden to install a “pocket prairie” on Saturday, Nov. 11 from 9 a.m. – noon. Volunteers (who can sign up here) will replace sections of Bermuda grass in the garden with Texas wildflowers and other native plants that serve as habitat and food for local pollinator species. This aligns with the seventh of Rotary International’s Causes, Protecting the Environment.
Saturday, November 11 entails the first phase of the project which will include the removal of the Bermuda grass and preparing the soil for planting. We are seeking 12 volunteers on this day. Volunteers are encouraged to wear appropriate clothing and bring work gloves, water, and sunscreen. (In the event of inclement weather, the project will be postponed to a later date.)
ACRC has committed $2,500 to the project to cover the cost of supplies. Additionally, we will be joined at our regular club meeting on Thursday, October 19 by members of SCG who will share more about the impact of the project and what specific activities club members will be conducting on the service day. Please put Saturday, November 11 on your calendars now and plan to join us!
Pocket Prairie Service Project at Sunshine Community Garden
When: Saturday, November 11, 9 am-Noon
Where: 4814 Sunshine Dr, Austin, TX 78756 (near 45th & N. Lamar, next door to TSBVI)