Rotary Foundation Annual Fund Awareness Contest Kicks Off October 1

The Rotary Foundation’s Annual Fund or Annual Funda-SHARE is key to ensuring that lives are changed both at home and abroad.

What impact can one donation have?

Dollars are transformed into grants – global and district! As shared on the Rotary Foundation homepage:

  • For as little as 60 cents, a child can be protected from polio.
  • $50 can provide clean water to help fight waterborne illness.
  • $500 can launch an antibullying campaign and create a safe environment for children.

From October 1, 2020 – November 30, 2020, we will be shedding light on the power of the Rotary Foundation with our Fall Foundation Awareness/Giving contest!

How it Works

Complete as MANY of the activities you can below by Saturday, December 5. As you do, email your activity to our Rotary Foundation Chair, Stacy Bouwman ( and she will tally up your points!

Once you earn 1,000 points, you will receive a Paul Harris recognition – A distinguished recognition that acknowledges individuals who contribute, or who have contributions made in their name, of $1,000 to the Rotary Foundation. Throughout the contest, Stacy will be giving status updates and keep us plugged in on what the winner board is looking like.

  • Sign up to have your donations automatically sent to the Rotary Foundation on a monthly basis. Start here (Make sure to sign in to your My Rotary account before doing so. Designate your donation to Annual Fund-SHARE) – 100 points
  • Donate $100 to Annual Fund-SHARE – 100 points
  • Donate $200 to Annual Fund-SHARE – 200 points
  • Take advantage of the District 5870 Annual Fund Match now through October 31st by making a contribution of $300-$500 – 2 point for each dollar you contribute
  • Invite a guest to a club meeting (and they attend). — 100 points
  • Make a new member referral by introducing a prospective member to our Membership Chair, Mavi Chapa via email. After you introduce your referral, Mavi will start building a relationship with them and when the time is right, ask them to join ACRC. Once they decide to join and their dues are invoiced, you will earn 500 points! Take a peek at our Membership page for more info to help support any of your discussions.
  • Participate in another Rotary club event or meeting. You can start by finding a club anywhere in the world, here OR finding an event on our District’s calendar! – 100 points
  • Participate in an ACRC service project – 200 points (Scan our events calendar, here)
  • Email President Lalaina Rabary to inquire and join a club committee. – 100 points
  • Sign up to participate in ACRC’s Care Team. Led by board member, Sarah Matt, the care team reaches out to members on a monthly basis through brief text exchanges/phonecalls to show them we care. They also organize one event that emphasizes connection per quarter. – 100 points