Friendsgiving Potluck
We're kicking the month off with thanks! In lieu of a social this Thursday, we'll be gathering on Sunday for a pre-Thanksgiving potluck! Bring a tasty dish to share and enjoy an evening of good food, fellowship and fun!…
We're kicking the month off with thanks! In lieu of a social this Thursday, we'll be gathering on Sunday for a pre-Thanksgiving potluck! Bring a tasty dish to share and enjoy an evening of good food, fellowship and fun!…
EarlyAct FirstKnight is a revolutionary character and ethics education program for K-8 school children that, for the first time, puts Rotary into mainstream public education. Teaching the Rotary tradition of “Service Above Self” through the visually captivating theme of knightly heroes,…
Join us Thursday evening for a fun-filled round of FOUNDATION Feud! We'll be playing games, including a Family Feud-style competition, highlighting the importance of contributing to the Rotary International Foundation. Carlos "Steve Harvey" Henderson, our RY2023-24 Foundation Chair, will…
Austin Cosmopolitan Rotary Club is partnering with Sunshine Community Garden to install a “pocket prairie” on Saturday, Nov. 11 from 9 a.m. – noon. Volunteers (who can sign up here) will replace sections of Bermuda grass in the garden with Texas wildflowers…
Join us Thursday evening to lean more about the Sam's Adventure Camp with Lulu Jones! Sam's adventure Camp is an intense therapy program for children with developmental disabilities. Our speaker will walk us through the journey and its challenges…
Since today is Thanksgiving, our Club will celebrate that Holiday and we will not hold any regular meeting.See you next week!
Note: Game time is set for 6:30 PM It's that time of year when we come together as a club to raise money for our important causes and this year we will participate in an ongoing fundraiser with Austin…
Join us Thursday evening to lean more about the Waterloo Press with the Austin History Center Association! Waterloo Press is the non-profit publishing branch of the AHCA. It specializes in publishing books and other material that focuses on Austin…
The Club will not hold a meeting this week. See you next week!
Come for another fellowship night at the Punch Bowl Social (Domain). Share some bites, grab a drink and get ready for some competition and fun around the mini-putt, the bowling alley or the giant Foosball table.
EarlyAct FirstKnight is a revolutionary character and ethics education program for K-8 school children that, for the first time, puts Rotary into mainstream public education. Teaching the Rotary tradition of “Service Above Self” through the visually captivating theme of knightly heroes,…
Join us Thursday evening for our first regular meeting of 2024, after a well deserved Holidays break. Our president will make a mid-year check in on the Club. Time to review what was accomplished and what is ahead of…